Meat Grinders 238 results

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Make Chili, Stews and Sausages with Meat Grinders

Whether you have family members with food allergies or have other specialized health and diet concern, it helps to know exactly what's in your food. Meat grinders are unique kitchen appliances that can help you create homemade sausages with natural seasoning and fresh ground meats for chili, soups, casseroles and more. Hunters who come home with pounds of meat can benefit from the versatility of ground meat. If you have a dehydrator, you can grind meat, cook it and then dehydrate it for homemade jerky. At Sears, you can find meat grinders and other appliances that you need to make home cooked meals from all-natural ingredients.

If you're looking for a way to grind meat at home, and your food processor isn't cutting it, you can choose between manual and electric meat grinders. Manual meat grinders use a vice to attach to tables or counters and a rotating lever to grind meat through the machine. If you opt for an electric meat grinder, the machine will do the work for you. Some models even come with a sausage-stuffing attachment so you can grind meat directly into the casing for homemade sausage.

Having a sanitary grinder is important. Many of these devices have small nooks and crannies where meat remnants can get trapped. Make sure to purchase proper materials so you can safely clean a meat grinder. Whether you're using recently hunted game for ground meat or making homemade sausages with fresh ingredients, consider using a meat grinder from Sears in your kitchen.