Specialty Condiment & Seasoning 158 results

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Use Condiments and Seasonings to Bring your Food to Life

Whether you're at home or at work, condiments and seasonings are essential for making food interesting. Check out Sears' selection for your old favorites and some new ideas.

If you love the Mediterranean flavor, look to Mustapha's Moroccan condiments to add the perfect taste to your dishes. Mustapha's makes several recipes of capers, olives and lemons to suit every Mediterranean-loving palate. Spices from the region are also among Mustapha's offerings. These condiments and spices are available in single jars or three-packs. Stock up so you can be sure you won't run out.

Sugar provides one of the most delightful flavors known, but it's even better when combined with other great tastes. eSutras Organics sugars combine sugar with mint, cocoa, vanilla and other such things to make delicious toppings for desserts. Sprinkle some on your cookies or ice cream to add gourmet sweetness. eSutras Organics covers all the popular tastes, but they don't stop there. You can also get unique variations like rose sugar and lavender sugar.

Ketchup is one of the most popular condiments, but it can be hard to keep it available in a breakroom or cafeteria. Buying a big box of Heinz ketchup packets eliminates the problems of dealing with tabletop bottles. Sears sells these packets in cases of up to 1,000 units, so you can get all the ketchup you need at a low price. Cases of ketchup packets aren't just for those who run businesses. If you like to have ketchup with your lunch, pick up a 200-unit case so you can take a packet with you every day without fear of messes or spoilage.

These are just a few of the many condiments carried by Sears. Order online for great prices and delivery right to your door.