Traffic lights controller start say HI
Traffic lights controller Open or Close display
Press and hold the "Display"
button for 3s until the D7 light is on.
At this time, the digital tube LED1
will close display .
Traffic lights controller select Mode
Press and hold the "MODE" button
for 3s until the D5 light is on. At this
time, the digital tube LED1 displays
the mode number.Press the "UP/+"
key to increase the value and
"DOWN/-" to decrease the value.
Traffic lights controller set red light time
Press and hold the "RED_Time "button for 3s until D1 lights is on. At this time ,the digital tube LED1 display the red light time. Press the "UP/+ "buttom to increase the value and "DOWN/- " to decrease the value.
Traffic lights controller set yellow light time
Press and hold the "YLW_Time" button for 3s until D2 lights is on. At this time ,the digital tube LED1 display the yellow light time. Press the "UP/+" buttom to increase the value and "DOWN/-" to decrease the value.
Traffic lights controller set green light time
Press and hold the "GRN_Time" button for 3s until D3 lights is on. At this time ,the digital tube LED1 display the green light time. Press the "UP/+ "buttom to increase the value and "DOWN/- " to decrease the value.
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Item# : A114332299
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