Wardrobes & Portable Closets 6 results

Store Clothing and Accessories with Ease using a Portable Closet

Your clothing collection grows each season, and many of the items are designed to last for several years, but your closet space remains the same. With a portable wardrobe rack from Sears, you can add storage space for your clothing without building a bigger closet.

If you have a spare room or basement, a portable wardrobe closet offers the ideal solution for your dilemma. You can store seasonal clothes, like winter gear or swimwear in the portable closet when they're out of season, and switch the items out as they become necessary. Your clothing and outerwear will even stay organized, so you can access them easily for winter vacations to the beach or ski trips in the mountains. Your closet will stay uncluttered, and your clothes will stay neat and organized. Every time you switch out your seasonal clothing, it'll feel like shopping without the purchase as an added bonus.

Children may outgrow clothing rapidly, but if you have multiple kids, you may want to hang on to clothes for younger children as they grow. You'll never have to worry about finding space to store children's clothes that don't fit your little ones if you have a portable closet. You can keep items organized by gender, size and season so the clothes are easily accessible if you should ever need them.