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Check Vertical Alignment Quickly with a Plumb Bob from Sears

Whether you're surveying a new plot of land or hanging a new door in the home, a plumb bob can help you work with precision. Simply suspend the hanging weight from a long, sturdy line to check for vertical alignment. These devices are simple to use and small enough to fit in a tool pouch. Find a wide variety of leveling tools at Sears to ensure that every project turns out beautifully.

Plumb bobs are easy-to-use and incredibly effective low-tech devices. While laser levels are great options for larger areas, a plummet is lightweight and simple to set up and read. The hanging weight is made of strong metal, so it's durable enough to withstand the wear and tear of a busy construction site. The metal weights vary in length and width, but all models narrow to a precise point. This allows workers to pinpoint the center mark of a project with reliable accuracy.

When checking the alignment of a wall, simply hang the device from the ceiling to ensure that the new fixture is straight. The metal weight hangs from a long line to establish a plumb point. Some models hang from a simple string, while others feature retractable cases for easy storage. After the device stabilizes, check your measurements and make any necessary adjustments. Work more effectively with the help of a plumb bob from Sears.