A Sears Marketplace Seller
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Business Address
5228 lindley ave unit 1
encino , CA , 91316
eBuzz offers a 30-day, hassle-free return policy. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may return your item(s) within 30 days of receiving your shipment. We will gladly refund the total purchase price minus any shipping costs. A 15% restocking fee applies to all returns or even refused shipments. Please contact us prior to returning your item(s) to secure your return merchandise authorization number. All items must be returned in their original and re-sellable condition. A 15% processing/restocking fee is charged for mattresses, foundations, assembled/upholstered indoor furniture, water heaters & built-in home appliances, and any item that is sold and fulfilled by us.
A 15% processing/restocking fee is charged for assembled/upholstered indoor furniture. Restocking fees do not apply when item is returned as defective or because incorrect product was delivered. To avoid a 15% restocking fee on consumer electronics, patio furniture, gazebos, canopies, pergolas, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, space heaters & grills, these items must be returned unused & with the original box, product packaging, accessories & parts.
Restocking fees do not apply when item is returned as defective or because incorrect product was delivered. Any damaged orders must be reported within 5 days for any refund or exchange.
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Contact Sears Marketplace:
A Sears Marketplace seller
Address: 5228 lindley ave unit 1 encino, CA US 91316

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Sears Marketplace is our community of online sellers who offer an assortment of unique and popular brands right here on Sears.com

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